In 2020, Elle steered Spa Girl Cocktails, a San Diego-based premium vodka cocktail company, through the COVID storm to build the leading liquor ecommerce platform. was the first fully functioning DTC eCommerce site operating within the three-tiered system, delivering cocktails to thousands of women across the country. In the company’s first full year, sold over 8,000 cases, with a community of over 100,000 women subscribing to its database. The brand's robust paid advertising strategy maintained a conversion rate 134% higher than industry average.


SPA girl cocktails


Creative direction





Brand Creative Direction
Photography On-Set Management
Packaging Design
Brand Identity & Guidelines
Custom Color Palette
Mood Board
Brand Presentation Decks
Business Cards & Printed Collateral
Ecommerce Development
Website Design
Paid Social Management
Paid Search Management
CRM Management (Email + SMS)
UGC/Consumer Reviews Management
Subscription Offers
Promotional Calendar
customer service Management

Google Performance Max

Paid social Static

click to view samples of work

Paid ad creative maintained a CVR and CTR 140% higher than industry average.


Top Ad

Paid social Videos

Email & SMS Marketing

E-commerce/Conversion LPs

Social Media & Influencers

Print & Promotional Tools

Brand Photography

Packaging & product Innovation

click to view samples of work

Paid ad creative maintained a CVR and CTR 140% higher than industry average.

Google Performance Max

Paid social Static

Paid social Videos

Email & SMS Marketing

E-commerce/Conversion LPs

Social Media & Influencers

Print & Promotional Tools

Brand Photography

Packaging & product Innovation

click to view samples of work

Paid ad creative maintained a CVR and CTR 140% higher than industry average.

Google Performance Max

Paid social Static

Paid social Videos

Email & SMS Marketing

E-commerce/Conversion LPs

Social Media & Influencers

Print & Promotional Tools

Brand Photography

Packaging & product Innovation

click to view samples of work

Paid ad creative maintained a CVR and CTR 140% higher than industry average.

Google Performance Max

Paid social Static

Paid social Videos

Email & SMS Marketing

E-commerce/Conversion LPs

Social Media & Influencers

Print & Promotional Tools

Brand Photography

Packaging & product Innovation

click to view samples of work

Social Media & Influencers

Print & Promotional Tools

Grew social media following to 25K, worked with hundreds of influencers and creators to get 3M impressions in 2021.

Paid social Videos

Paid social Static

Google Performance Max

Email & SMS Marketing

E-commerce/Conversion LPs

Brand Photography

Packaging & product Innovation


To view Elle's full professional portfolio, click here.